January 31, 2010

Emily and Basketball

Emily has been wanting to try out basketball for a year now so this year I got her all signed up to do it. We got there and she got her jersey and picked number 32, and its not very often you get to wear a dress while playing basketball. She did really good for her first time playing the game, all though she kept fixing her hair when she was suppose to be hands up to block.
I had to laugh at her shoes, they were lighting up the path for everyone, but she is so proud of her twinkle toes. With the YMCA program its really nice how they make sure everyone gets to play. So one group from the team will play for four minutes and then they will switch out. At the end of the game they line up and give everyone a high five and good game. After the game she said it was so much fun and cant wait to go to practice on Tuesday. Here is a video of her playing, I had a different song but turns out now youtube is blocking music if its not on the approved list, so the song on the list is one of the few that worked with the video. By the way if anyone knows of another site to upload videos to let me know, this will drive me crazy

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